Adherence of the Federal Institutes of Education to the Environmental Agenda in the Public Administration


  • Marcio Aparecido Lucio Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Catarinense (IFC)
  • Mario Cesar de Ramos Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB)
  • Gerson Tontini Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB)
  • Iara Regina Parisotto Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB)



Environmental Agenda in Public Administration (A3P), Federal Institutes of Education, Management Reports


The Environmental Agenda in Public Administration (A3P) is a voluntary action by public institutions to reduce their negative socio-environmental impacts, in the context of environmental management and sustainability and in compliance with the principle of efficiency. In this sense, the Public Teaching Institutions (IEP) have a prominent role, because in addition to training professionals and conscious citizens, their campuses must have the same environmental concerns as a small city. The study analyzes how institutions from the same region, with similar structures and objectives, deal differently with the environmental issue. By analyzing these institutions with a single checklist, it becomes possible to externalize these differences. With the objective of evaluating the level of adherence of the Federal Institutes of Education of the Southern Region of Brazil to the axes of the Environmental Agenda in Public Administration. Being a qualitative and descriptive research with secondary data available on the websites of the Institutes, with analysis through a checklist formed by the items of the 6 thematic axes of the A3P. With the systematization of the data, it was verified whether the management procedures that are in accordance with the requirements of the A3P, synthesized in the qualitative analysis of the data. It was identified that the Institutes are not formal partners of A3P, but seek to meet its requirements, with a high adherence to the A3P axes, another point identified is that there is no standardization in management reports. This work demonstrates the need for constant evaluations of the IEP to verify its evolution in environmental management.


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Author Biographies

Marcio Aparecido Lucio, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Catarinense (IFC)

Doutor em Administração pela Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB
Administrador no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Catarinense - IFC

Mario Cesar de Ramos, Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB)

Doutorado Administração e Ciências Contábeis na Universidade da Região de Blumenau - FURB
Professor e coordenador do Curso de Ciências Contábeis na Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE

Gerson Tontini, Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB)

Education/Formation: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil (1995). Post-doctorate in business administration and visiting professor at California State University, USA (2003). Post-doctorate in Innovation Management at Halmstad University, Sweden (2014). MBA in University Management, Institute of Management and Leadership, IGLU/OUI/CRUB, Brazil (2001). MBA in Productivity Management, Japan Productivity Center, Japan (1992). MBA in Total Quality Control and Standardization Activities, Japan Standards Association, Japan (1993). Professional Activities: Full Professor at Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), Brazil, since 1995, in the Bachelor and Master courses of Business Management and Production Engineering, and in the PhD in Accounting & Business Management. President of the Board of Fritz Mueller Foundation – FFM, Brazil, a non-profit Organization, from 2000 to 2002 and from 2006 to 2010. As president of FFM, the foundation was able to assist 72 companies increasing businesses performance through the Partners for Excellence Program (PAEX). Planning Coordinator of the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), Brazil, from 1998 to 2002, and from 2006 to 2010. Scientific and Academic Awards and Recognition: Gerson Tontini received the Best Paper Awards: a) 20th QMOD/ICQSS conference (Quality Management and Organizational Development/ an International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences), Denmark, 2017; b) IX International Symposium on Administration and Marketing, 2014, ESPM, Brazil; c) XVI Symposium of Production Management, International Logistics and Operations - SIMPOI, 2013 in São Paulo – Brazil; d) Conference on Business Association of Latin American Studies – BALAS, 2005 in Madrid – Spain; e) Kano award by Japan Standards Association in 1993. Research Productivity Grant, level 1 (superior) by CNPq (National Research Council of Brazil) since 2010. Scientific and Research Activities: Member of Editorial Board Member of the International Academy of Business and Economics, 2002 ~ 2008; Poslovna izvrsnost - Business Excellence (2019 ~ present); Revista de Negócios, Brazil (2013 ~ present). Associate Editor of International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (2017 ~ present). Researcher in Business management on the following topics: Marketing research methods, Customer Needs, Quality of Services and Products, Incremental Innovations, Business Management Maturity Models. Scientific Production: As scientific production, published 90 papers in Scientific Journals, and 85 papers in Scientific Conferences, 5 chapters of Book. Students Advising Experience: Concluded the advising of 49 Master, 7 Ph.D students, and 1 Post-PhD researcher. Scientific Citations Index and Research Performance (Date: 07/April/2022): Web of Science (h = 11, 37 publications); Scopus (h-index = 12, 42 publications), Publish or Perish Google Scholar (h-index = 26), Research Gate H-index = 18 (excluding self-citations). Research Gate RG Score = 24.56, “higher than 80% of all ResearchGate members’ scores”.

Iara Regina Parisotto, Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB)

Doutorado em Administração pela Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE
Professora da Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB



How to Cite

Lucio, M. A. ., Ramos, M. C. de, Tontini, G. ., & Parisotto, I. R. . (2022). Adherence of the Federal Institutes of Education to the Environmental Agenda in the Public Administration. ABCustos, 17(3), 240–265.



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