¿Qué es el overmanegement focalizado? Categoría propuesta: aportes a la disciplina


  • Marcelo Podmoguilnye IAPUCO




Gvermanagement. Focused. Business Models. Estrategy. Differential.


Focused overmanagement is a challenging and a constructive management practice, as well. It encourages the thinking of things differently and into a greater degree of analysis in order to achieve the maximum possible optimization in the development of the differential variables in a business. This means paying extraordinary attention to the details that surround organizational processes in every possible way is a strong recommendation. It is, therefore, important to focus on the strategic and differential thinking of what would be typical and reasonable in the best corporate practices.This means being intentional where our competitors are not. Over-managing those issues, that most companies ignore or do not manage properly, goes beyond the criteria of traditional services to find new and innovative proposals in order to improve the experience for the involved parties.
It is important to understand that the power of a service or productive objective lies in its ability to create an emotional connection instead of a strictly rational connection, and that emotional experience leads to reinforce businesses, and generate groups of people who become ambassadors of our brands and productive goals.
Companies should focus on the small details and the over-management of the processes or experiences make the difference for an organization.
The objective of this work is to define the scope for the technique of focused overmanagement, understanding it is an area for creation, gestation, and deepenmanagement of our differences, as well as, evaluate its applicability and viability in our organizations and in the businesses of the future.


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How to Cite

Podmoguilnye, M. (2023). ¿Qué es el overmanegement focalizado? Categoría propuesta: aportes a la disciplina. ABCustos, 18(3), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.47179/abcustos.v18i3.723