The application of the Unit of Production Effort Method (UEP): study in a cosmetics company


  • Rogério João Lunkes
  • Guiherme Luiz
  • Valdirene Gasparetto
  • Darci Schnorrenberger



Costs. Unit of Production Effort Method. Cosmetics.


The present market leads the companies to be concerned with the rationalization of the resources applied on the production, to seek to improve their production processes and information management, to increase the competitiveness and to expand the market. The cost information can aid in this task, reason why this work discuss the application of the Unit of Production Effort Method (UEP) in a cosmetics manufacturing company. A study was carried in a company of State of Santa Catarina, in the structuring of the method, involving the five stages of the implantation phase, that are concluded with the equivalent of the products in UEP determination. From these equivalent ones it is made the operationalization of the method for the production to the period following the implantation, obtaining the transformation cost of each product. On the basis of that method, the company may calculating easily, every month, the unitary transformation cost of the products that manufactures, supporting the control and decision making. The UEP method facilitates the costing process. This is one of the benefits when compared to other costing methods.


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How to Cite

Lunkes, R. J., Luiz, G., Gasparetto, V., & Schnorrenberger, D. (2014). The application of the Unit of Production Effort Method (UEP): study in a cosmetics company. ABCustos, 9(1), 29–47.



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