Multicriterial performance in Brazilian electricity distribution sector: an analysis supported by DEA for the years 2007 and 2008


  • Marcelo Alvaro da Silva Macedo
  • Maitê Garcia Cruz Ribeiro



Multicriterial Performance, DEA, Electricity Sector.


This article aims to analyze, through the use of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), the performance of the Brazilian eletricity distribution sector companies, based on a set of indexes apart in three dimensions/perspectives: financial and accounting (model 01), operational (model 02) and socio-environmental (model 03). All indicators were obtained from the database Series, published by GESEL/NUCA/IE/UFRJ, for the years 2007 and 2008. The analysis used the DEA-VRS, which were implemented with the support of SIAD software, being considered adjustments for negative values and weights restrictions. The results show that companies that had greater levels of efficiency in the three models were: CPFL Mococa, Coelba, Elektro, CPFL Jaguari e Energipe. On the other hand, those that had the worst rates were: Enersul, Celtins, Caiuá e EEB. Furthermore, the difference of means test showed no difference between the average performance of groups large and small companies, and correlation analysis showed no significant correlation between performance and size. In other words, we could see that it is not size, but superior performance, which gives the companies' competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Macedo, M. A. da S., & Ribeiro, M. G. C. (2011). Multicriterial performance in Brazilian electricity distribution sector: an analysis supported by DEA for the years 2007 and 2008. ABCustos, 6(2).



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